Home of the Maryland Marriage Initiative

Retrouvaille Marriage Program

September 3, 2023
Marriottsville, MD

Retrouvaille Marriage Event

September 3, 2023
Marriottsville, MD

Need Marriage Help? 


Retrouvaille has helped tens of thousands of couples struggling in their marriage. This program they’ve designed is for married couples facing difficult challenges in their relationship.


Here’s a little more info about the Retrouvaille Program for you:

  • It’s a marriage program that helps couples restore their marriage and rebuild a loving relationship.
  • It’s a Christian marriage program, catholic in origin, where couples of all faiths or no faith background are encouraged to attend.
  • It’s primarily a practical program to improve communication, build stronger marriages, and help couples reconnect.
  • The presenters are not trained marriage counselors, but rather couples sharing their personal stories of marital struggles and the tools they used to rediscover their love.


For more information, call (443) 400-7017, or email: maryland@helpourmarriage.org