Our Story

MREC (The Marriage and Relationship Education Center) is a champion for marriages and families across central Maryland and southern PA. We believe that a rising tide floats all boats so when marriages are strong and couples have the relationship skills they need to succeed, families flourish and communities thrive.


Founded in 2004 by retired public school educators, Bill and Anne McKenna responded to their pastor’s plea to “do something” for the marriages in our church. From that appeal, and because of their heart for children, the state’s first community marriage initiative was launched. A grassroots, 501c3 faith-based nonprofit, MREC’s mission is to serve the community with relationship education so marriages and families thrive.


In 2015 the board of directors appointed Amy M. Gilford as the Executive Director. Under her leadership MREC branched its ministry into two program areas:  the Wise Choices Student Initiative which serves Carroll County Public School Students, and the Maryland Marriage Initiative which is dedicated to uniting community leaders around the cause of marriage and empowering and equipping local churches to expand the kingdom of God through marriage education.


This critical mission is shared across the country and sometimes around the world through a strong social media presence, monthly newsletter and quarterly resource newsletter.


We are funded by generous donors, foundations and corporate sponsors who believe in our mission.

Our Mission

Serving the community with relationship education so marriages and families thrive.

Our Vision

A culture that values God’s design for marriage.