Home of the Maryland Marriage Initiative

Author: Amy Gilford


Top Common Challenges That Blended Families Face: How to Build Love Together

Blended families face a set of unique challenges before and during the blending process. There’s a lot to consider and there will be bumps in the road. The good news is, all of these challenges can be addressed. Kids often take longer to adjust than we realize. All the squabbles, growing pains, and discipline are well worth the effort because of one thing — FAMILY.

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Full Hearts AND Full Wallets

“Merry Christmas!” is often synonymous with “I maxed out the credit card.” How did that happen? News Flash: Commercialism bought Christmas decades ago. How does one do Christmas right… financially speaking? Here are some ideas to help you keep your wallet and your relationships merry and bright this season.

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couple hugging

A Busy Couple’s Guide: How to Stay Connected to Your Spouse

You’re both busy, and finding ways to connect with your spouse is definitely a challenge. When you’re always on the go, it seems hard enough to find any time for yourself let alone your marriage. The good news is, if you’re intentional, you can make time to connect despite the chaos surrounding you both.

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