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Ideas to Grow Your Marriage Year Round 

Are you looking to keep your marriage spark alive and deepen your connection throughout the year?

Discover our comprehensive resource, “Ideas to Grow Your Marriage Year Round,” designed to help couples cultivate a thriving and joyful relationship. This resource offers practical and creative strategies for enhancing intimacy, communication, and fun in your marriage, no matter the season.

Ideas to strengthen your partnership and create lasting memories together:

  • Listen to a podcast together on marriage and talk about it over a cup of coffee or dessert. 

  • Write a note sharing something you appreciate about your spouse and hide it in a spot where they will find it later in the day. 

  • Remember that Honey-Do List? Make plans to get one of those tasks checked off the list. 

  • Line up childcare and surprise your spouse with a night out together. 

  • Talk about a goal that you have for your marriage. Then, write it down, frame it and put in your room as a reminder. 

  • In the morning, before you leave for the day, give your spouse a hug and ask how you can pray for them or make their day easier. Be ready for the answer! 

  • Look for ways to praise your spouse in front of other people – and don’t forget to do that privately too. 


Click here to download this printable resource.