Home of the Maryland Marriage Initiative

Discover the ultimate resource for enhancing growth and connection with our comprehensive curriculum guide for couples, families, churches, and students to inspire and support every stage of the journey.


• Love Thinks – https://lovethinks.com/

• Real Essentials Curriculum – https://www.myrelationshipcenter.org/

• Passport2Purity – https://www.familylife.com/passport2/

• ScreenStrong – https://screenstrong.org/

• Parenting Today’s Teen – https://parentingtodaysteens.org/

• Fight New Drug – https://fightthenewdrug.org/

• Celebrate Kids – https://celebratekids.com/about/

• Connected Families – https://connectedfamilies.org/resources/


• Connected Families – https://connectedfamilies.org/resources/

• Celebrate Recovery – https://www.celebraterecovery.com/

• Family Life Store – https://shop.familylife.com/

Engaged Couples

• Preparing for Marriage – Request Class and/or Train the Trainer available with MREC

• Rock Solid Marriage Ready by Love Thinks – https://www.mylovethinks.com/rock-solid-marriage-ready/

• Prologue – https://startmarriagehere.com/

• WinShape Marriage – https://winshape.org/

• Weekend to Remember – https://www.familylife.com/weekend-to-remember/

• Family Life Store – https://shop.familylife.com/

• Family Life Online Courses – https://www.familylife.com/learn/

Recently Married

• Preparing for Marriage – Request Class and/or Train the Trainer available with MREC

• Adventure in Marriage – Request Class and/or Train the Trainer available with MREC

• Love Thinks – https://lovethinks.com/

• WinShape Marriage – https://winshape.org/

• Weekend to Remember – https://www.familylife.com/weekend-to-remember/

• Family Life Store – https://shop.familylife.com/

• Family Life Online Courses – https://www.familylife.com/learn/ Marriage Enrichment

• Adventure in Marriage – Request Class and/or Train the Trainer available with MREC

• Rock Solid Marriage Ready by Love Thinks – https://www.mylovethinks.com/rock-solid-marriage/

• Art of Marriage – https://www.familylife.com/art-of-marriage/home/

• Vertical Marriage – https://www.familylife.com/verticalmarriagestudy/

Blended Families

• Family Life Online Courses – https://www.familylife.com/learn/ Blended Family

• Well and Blended – https://www.familylife.com/learn/well-blended/

•One Heart, Two Homes – https://www.coparentinginternational.com/courses

• Blended and Blessed – https://www.blendedandblessed.com/

• Family Life Store – https://shop.familylife.com/

• Family Life Online Courses – https://www.familylife.com/learn/

Marriage Intensives

• Retrouvaille – https://retrouvaille.org/

• Sandy Cove Ministries – https://www.sandycove.org/

• HOPE Weekend, Live the Life – https://www.livethelife.org/hope-weekend


• DivorceCare – https://www.divorcecare.org/

• Marriage 911 – Dougherty, for the church or secular audience

Disclaimer: This compilation is not an all-inclusive list and we encourage you to explore additional marriage and relationship resources.

Keep Learning!

We recommend couples attend a marriage class, course, or event at least one time each year. If you need any assistance with class selection, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@mrecenter.com.

Find our current classes or events here – https://mrecenter.org/events/ Find national classes or events here – https://usmarriage.org/classes

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