Marriage Classes
Marriage is a team sport—you either win or lose together.

Preparing for Marriage can be a beautiful time in life, but newly engaged couples face so much more in today’s fast-paced world. We’re here to help you navigate those stressors.
The Success Sequence, Red Flags of Unhealthy Relationships, Patterns to Look for When Dating, Social Skills and more. When you sign up for Preparing for Marriage, you and your love will have some uninterrupted time to laugh and learn together and explore key topics to help your relationship last a lifetime. Invest in your marriage today and gain new tools and resources that will help your relationship last forever.

Join us for uninterrupted time to laugh and learn together and explore key topics to help your relationship last a lifetime.
Discover better ways to meet needs, communicate, resolve conflict, express anger, avoid “dirty fighting” and understand how your personality styles impact relationships for better or worse. Practical and interactive, Adventures in Marriage is appropriate for couples at ANY age or stage. The program is designed to reach married couples across the spectrum – from highly motivated to struggling and stressed.

Oh, Baby! Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Marriage After Your First Baby
Congratulations on your first baby! Get ready for all the joys of a party of three, but… as you do — keep in mind that most couples spend so much time focusing on baby showers, planning the nursery, Lamaze, and parenting classes, that they usually don’t think about how this bundle of joy is going to impact their marriage.

Newly Engaged, Now What? Prepare for Marriage With These Easy Tips
You’ve found “the one” and you’re in love. There are so many things to think about, so many people to share this news with, and so much to get done. But there’s more to think about than just your wedding day. Take a look at these easy tips to prepare for your actual marriage.

U.S. Divorce Rate Just Hit 50 Year Low, Further Drops Expected Despite COVID
By: Glenn T. Stanton | Originally Published HERE on Nov. 11, 2020 Scholars at the

The Key to Combating Relationship Complacency
By: Anne Malmburg | Originally Published HERE on September 30, 2020 If you Google “quotes

What I Wish I’d Known About Marriage Before I Got Married
By: Elaine Roth Originally published HERE on October 3, 2020 My twelfth wedding anniversary is

What to Do When You Disagree With the Ones You Love
By: JULIE BAUMGARDNER | Originally published HERE by ‘First Things First ‘ It’s nothing new