Home of the Maryland Marriage Initiative

Tag: Couples


How to Find Hope: 10 Hope-Building Exercises

With everything going on in the world, it can be easy to give in to fear and lose hope. But hope matters. It’s what inspires us and moves us forward. Here are some ways to find and cultivate the healing power of hope and to hold onto it.

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MREC – A Year in Review

By late March of 2020, I think we all realized we needed to let go of the picture of what we had imagined 2020 would look like and find joy in the journey God had called us to instead. So, together, we found a way to continue our mission of providing relationship education to couples, students and families.

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3 Circles – Webinar Audio

by Todd Burrier I Author, speaker, trainer, and coach In this time of uncertainty and challenge, we are presented with an opportunity to re-prioritize what really matters in our lives.

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